Passive shoe care
While shoe care with shoe creams, shoe wax and other shoe care products always take time, passive shoe care almost takes care of itself.
Three things are already enough to significantly extend the life of your shoes.
Shoe trees
No other product is as easy and quick to use as a good pair of wooden shoe trees.
Shoetrees go into the still warm shoes directly after wearing them. Warm and damp leather expands. Without shoe trees , deeper walking creases are formed and the shoes can lose their shape.
Always use well-fitting shoe trees in all shoes.
Constantly treading down the heel leather destroys it over time. Always put on shoes with the laces untied and a shoehorn.
Do not use the shoehorn as a lever to push down the heel leather. Place the shoehorn almost vertically in the shoe, on the heel of the shoe. The heel of your foot will then slide comfortably down the shoehorn into the shoe.
Wear break
Let the shoes rest for a day after wearing. The leather needs time to release the absorbed moisture back into the environment and to retain its shape on the shoe tree.